Support in operations of M & A: Acquisitions, Disposals and closures.

Extraordinary events of strategic significance, such as the acquisition of a firm, the disposal of a branch or of a whole company, or the closure of a company through voluntary winding up, are other areas where intervention of temporary management can be particularly efficient due to there being a necessity for managerial figures that have consolidated experience in handling these delicate business moments.


It is usually necessary to proceed rapidly in the reorganization - often entailing reduction  - of human resources and of optimizing the various business   processes, with an aim, throughout the integration of the new company, of enhancing existing technical, production and commercial capacities.


This usually involves disposal of branches of a company or of a field no longer considered strategic for the business or group. In these cases the support that Dukapis & Co. can provide, is to take care of restructuring and reorganization of a business before selling it off, in order to present a more appealing structure to prospective buyers.


This is an activity managed by Dukapis & Co. mainly in the form of voluntary liquidation arising from the desire of entrepreneurs to exit the business maintaining their good name, without going through bankruptcy proceedings or forced winding up. The assistance of managers who have already dealt with the closure process is essential for a correct resolution of contracts with suppliers, banks, trade unions, human resources, technical assistance and standing contracts, as well as exploiting existing tangible and intangible assets to avoid loss of worth in the company to be liquidated.